

OIC320P: Options Pricing

Jul 19, 2018

Dan Passarelli, an industry professional, discusses options pricing, including delta and time decay. The podcast will introduce you to the key components of theoretical option pricing. Though their predictive value has limits, the key components of theoretical option pricing still offer an excellent tool for helping investors anticipate price movements and explain price relationships between options.


OIC330P: Selling Puts

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast covers calculating returns when selling puts using several different scenarios.


OIC331P: Selling Puts, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

Part one of this podcast on selling puts discusses the risks and benefits as well as considerations involved in selling puts.


OIC332P: Selling Puts, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

Part two of the selling puts podcast, covers the differences between put buyers and put sellers.


OIC333P: Selling Puts - Return Calculations

Jul 19, 2018

Podcast reviews the differences between put buyers and put sellers, series 2.


OIC350P: Writing Short-Term Calls Against LEAPS, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast will discuss how LEAPS®— Long-Term Equity AnticiPation Securities—differ from regular, short-term equity options. It will cover the risks and benefits of writing short term calls against LEAPS®.


OIC341P: Income Strategies, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

The first half of this two-part podcast compares income strategies for writing covered calls versus selling in-the-money and out-of-the money puts.


OIC342P: Income Strategies Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

Part two takes an in-depth look at what strategies to consider given certain market conditions. You’ll also learn about the potential benefits and pitfalls of using calendar spreads as an income strategy.


OIC390P-OT26: Options Talk: Buying Calls and Selling Puts

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and his guests talk about the differences between buying calls and selling puts. Bo Nobel and Jeff Huddleston will cover what these two strategies are, how each works as well as what ways they compare and contrast with one another.


OIC340P: Long Call Versus Debit and Credit Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

Do you have a bullish outlook on a particular option, but want to better understand which approach can help maximize your profit potential? This podcast is of the advanced series, “Long Call versus Debit and Credit Spreads” discusses the different types of vertical spreads to consider when using a bullish strategy. You'll also learn about how long call and short put spreads compare and contrast with debit and credit spreads.


OIC351P: Writing Short-Term Calls Against LEAPS, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

Part two of this on-demand podcast explains the strategies that are available if a stock goes up, down or even stays steady. 


OIC360P : Options Fundamentals, Part 6

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast wraps up the discussion on options pricing models then delves into the topic of covered calls and corresponding income strategies.


OIC361P : Options Fundamentals, Part 7

Jul 19, 2018

This final podcast of the series explains the use of Static Return and the If-Called Return as a way to determine the potential return on a covered call strategy.


OIC362P: Developing a Trading Strategy, Part 3

Jul 19, 2018

In this podcast, you will learn about what to consider when implementing a forecast and the role an investor needs to take in order to actively manage their options positions.


OIC363P: Developing a Trading Strategy, Part 4

Jul 19, 2018

This fourth podcast of the Developing a Trading Strategy series provides a basic introduction of the Greeks and explains how these risk gauges can help form expectations about how an option may perform in the market.


OIC364P: Developing a Trading Strategy, Part 5

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast concludes the discussion about the Greeks and highlights some of the risks and rewards that you should be aware of when formulating your plan for trading options.


OIC365P: Developing a Trading Strategy, Part 6

Jul 19, 2018

This final podcast in the Developing a Trading Strategy series wraps up with questions from the audience on topics such as trailing stops and mitigating gap risk.


OIC390P-OT13: Options Talk: The Greeks, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

The Greeks have a reputation for being an extremely complex topic to tackle for even the most experienced investor. However, this podcast, aims to make it a little easier to digest by breaking down the terms into smaller segments, starting with Delta.


OIC390P-OT05: Options Talk: Credit Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and Peter Lusk define what is a credit spread and why an investor might use this strategy for their position. 


OIC390P-OT19: Options Talk: Debit & Credit Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne sits down with his guests to discuss debit and credit spreads – what they are and why an investor might want to use them. This podcast also includes a discussion on how these spreads can work with bear and bull spread strategies.


OIC390P-OT04: Options Talk: Stock Repair Strategy

Jul 19, 2018

Peter Lusk and host Joe Burgoyne discuss when an investor may need to implement a strategy and what are some of the advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration prior to using it.


OIC370P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: A Review of Option Pricing

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast discusses the impact that stock price changes and time can have in the market and how concepts such as delta and time decay can help set the tone for how an option performs.


OIC390P-OT16: Options Talk: Do Some Options Move Faster Than Others?

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and guests set out to understand why some financial instruments move quickly while others don’t. Topics discussed during this podcast include the impact of volatility as well as supply and demand.


OIC371P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: Introduction to Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

This third podcast of the Understanding and Trading Options Spread Strategies series, explains what a spread is and why it is important to your profit/loss potential.


OIC390P-OT17: Options Talk: Bull & Bear Spreads, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

Russell Rhoads and Bill Ryan of OIC's Investor Services speak with host Joe Burgoyne about a couple of strategies that are good for investors to keep in their trading arsenal – Bull and Bear Spreads. The group will define what these spread strategies are and discuss a couple of examples that demonstrate how these spreads can work through to expiration.


OIC372P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: The Bull Call Spread

Jul 19, 2018

This fourth podcast defines the Bull Call Spread and demonstrates how this strategy can be used to evaluate potential outcomes for a particular option.


OIC373P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: The Bear Call Spread

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast introduces the Bear Call Spread and shows how this particular options strategy can be used within the marketplace.


OIC374P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: The Bear Put Spread

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast gives an example of how the Bear Put Spread can be implemented into an options trading strategy and what distinguishes it from the Bear Call Spread.


OIC390P-OT03: Options Talk: Who Determines Options Pricing

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne asks industry experts, to weigh in on what components go into determining options pricing.


OIC376P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: Comparing Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

This eighth podcast of the Understanding and Trading Options Spread Strategies series briefly outlines the similarities between debit and credit spreads.


OIC375P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: The Bull Put Spread

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast, concludes with a discussion about various credit spreads strategies and an explanation of the Bull Put Spread.


OIC390P-OT01: Options Talk: Straddles, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and guests explain the complexities of using a straddle and whether you can profit or lose no matter which way the underlying moves.


OIC390P-OT02: Options Talk: Straddles, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

In the second part of this two-part series, host Joe Burgoyne wraps up his discussion about how short straddles may impact your trading strategy.


OIC390P-OT11: Options Talk: Backspreads

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne reviews the ins and outs of the Backspreads strategy. Topics covered in this podcast include examples of call and put backspreads as well as a discussion about the risks and rewards of using this particular strategy.


OIC390P-OT18: Options Talk: Bull & Bear Spreads, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

In part two of the series on bull and bear spread strategies, host Joe Burgoyne concludes his conversation with Bill Ryan of OIC’s Investor Services and Russell Rhoads by explaining how implied volatility factors into bull and bear spreads. The podcast also covers the impact of early exercise and assignment as well as the benefits and risks of using these spread strategies.


OIC377P: Understanding and Trading Option Spread Strategies: Pricing Behavior

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast discusses how changing volatility can impact options pricing and how vertical spreads can provide traders with an alternative to long and short options positions.


OIC390P-OT15: Options Talk: Open Interest

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne sits down with his guests to discuss open interest – how it is defined and how trades are impacted by it. Using a hypothetical, five-day scenario, the group will demonstrate how selling and buying too close can potentially reduce or eliminate open interest.


OIC390P-OT07: Options Talk: Exit Strategies

Jul 19, 2018

Understanding how to exit a position is just as important as deciding which strategy to use to enter one. This podcast discusses the importance of having an exit strategy and factors to consider when developing your plan for getting out of a position.


OIC390P-OT08: Options Talk: Long and Short Strangles

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and guests speak about the differences between long and short strangles and what investors need to know about using this particular options strategy.


IC390P-OT20: Options Talk: Benefits & Risks of Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

As with any trading strategy, there are always benefits and risks. Spreads are no exception. In this podcast, host Joe Burgoyne will discuss with our experts what the advantages and disadvantages are in using spreads and how an investor might want to consider executing a spread given the risks and rewards.


OIC390P-OT21: Options Talk: Calendar Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne dialogues with Russell Rhoads and Bill Ryan of OIC's Investor Services about a trading strategy that every investor will find use in knowing how to implement – calendar spreads. This podcast will feature a discussion about how this particular strategy works and what investors need to know about the impact of volatility and other important factors such as early assignment and exercise.


OIC390P-OT22: Options Talk: Diagonal Spreads

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne talks about Diagonal Spreads – what they are and how they work. This podcast will also cover how time decay and volatility can impact this advanced trading strategy.


OIC390P-OT23: Options Talk: Worst-Case Scenarios

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne discusses some examples of worst case scenarios in trading and what investors need to consider in order to avoid similar pitfalls.


OIC390P-OT28: Options Talk: Options Strategies for a Bear Market

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and his guests discuss various strategies an investor may want to consider during a bear market. This podcast will cover the risk and rewards of buying calls, selling puts and spread strategies such as vertical bear and ratio spreads.


OIC390P-OT24: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will discuss how option contracts are adjusted for reverse stock splits and then he will answer a question from an investor who is wondering about disappearing options premium.


OIC390P-OT25: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 3

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne discusses setting a stop-loss order on an options position then he will answer a question from an investor who wants to know whether it makes a difference what type of order is entered when the market is volatile.


OIC390P-OT29: Options Talk: Options Strategies for a Neutral Market

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and his guests cover strategies an investor may want to consider when the market is neutral. They will discuss the ins and outs of various strategies such as the covered call, neutral calendar spread and short straddles and strangles.


OIC390P-OT30: Options Talk: Options Subject to 60-40 Tax Treatment

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast will focus on a select group of listed options known as Section 1256 contracts that are taxed under special IRS tax rules. Options tax expert Bill Paul and host Joe Burgoyne will explain the 60/40 treatment, the type of options that receive this special treatment, and the rationale behind it.


OIC390P-OT27: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 4

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne answers who sets the width between the bid-ask on options exchanges and then he will speak on the topic of liquidity - what is it and how you can find out more about it.


OIC390P-OT31: Options Talk: Introduction to Tax Straddles

Jul 19, 2018

Tax attorney Bill Paul joins host Joe Burgoyne to discuss tax straddle rules. Bill will explain, in layman's terms, rules for deferring losses, the impact on the holding period, and the capitalization of charges.
